Care for You Holistically...Think, Check, Correct - from Lori Warner

I am sharing an email that I sent out to my school family today as it is equally as important  for all of you  -- 

Hi to my Family and Friends:

I hope that you are all well both physically and mentally.  It sure has been a crazy time in our lives.  As a nurse, I have been feeling the pull between staying home and offering myself up to my fellow nurses on the battlefield of this medical war.  I am definitely not one to sit still and watch from the sidelines, so it has been difficult for me.  

I have had many thoughts going through my mind lately that need to get out, so here it is...both personal and professional:

When I was in nursing school I had an "old school" clinical instructor that I absolutely loved and admire to this day.  She taught me the importance of caring for a patient holistically, meaning the entire patient, mind, body and soul.   While I was a nurse in the hospital setting, I struggled with this because time just did not allow for it and there were more days then not that I felt I failed my patient in this regard.  When you care for a patient holistically, you not only meet all their medical needs with medications and treatments, but you more importantly make sure that their worries are eased, that they actually get to brush their teeth and have their back washed and lotion applied, that if they have faith in a higher power that you provide for them to have spiritual time.  It was the holistic approach that often meant everything to a patient.  I have been thinking of this often over the last week because we are living in a time when it is important that everyone take care of themselves in a holistic way.  That could mean something different for each of us.   I will mention just a few things that could spark thoughts or ideas for you:

  • Mind:  Journaling - there's an article that helped me get started...the benefits of journaling to clear your mind is amazing!  (Note:  I am not promoting Le-Vel at all, it's just the article that was shared with me long ago:

  • Mind:  Limit screen time - this includes the news and social media.  Our minds are on overload right now with all the information that is out there.  Establish specific times for the broadcasts you feel provide the most accurate information to you, like the Presidential and Governor press conferences that include professionals from all fields.  

  • Body: Move your body...exercise, get outside for fresh air, establish a routine, eat nutritiously, pamper yourself by doing your nails or a facial, moisturize those hands, back rubs for all help with circulation and it provides for healing touch!

  • Soul: Allow quiet time for your faith, whatever that might be for you.  Personally, the use of a daily devotion book calms my thoughts and puts me in the mindset for silent prayer.

From a professional viewpoint, my mind has been exploding with all the information that is circulating via TV, social media and amongst the distanced conversations that I have been part of.  Please, please, please keep in mind that not everything you hear is factual.   The New York State Center for School Health is in the developing stage of a campaign called Think, Check, Correct, which will ask healthcare professionals to take the pledge to take action to stop the sharing of health misinformation.  I may be jumping the gun on this, but it is so important and also goes back to caring holistically.  Please consider the following links as sources for accurate information for you, your family and your friends: 

How COVID-19 Impacts the Body (YouTube, 1:56)

World Health Organization COVID-19 (YouTube, 4:38

COVID19 Transmission Graphic:

John Hopkins Real-Time Coronavirus Tracker:

WHO World Health Organization

CDC COVID19 Webpage: 


I am sure that you are hearing "wash your hands...cover your cough and sneeze...stay home...keep 6 ft distance between others" in your sleep, but a message from me would not be complete without those simple reminders!  Those steps are going to help get us back together and back to our normal lives.  Pass it along!

Thank you for taking the time to read what is on my heart and mind.  I’m sure we all share in looking forward to seeing our loved ones and friends real soon in our normal settings!

Take Care of YOU,



...Oh the Times are a-Changin'


Dear Church Family,