...Oh the Times are a-Changin'

These past few weeks have seen unprecedented changes in how we each have had to engage with the world around us, yet as the old saying goes, the more things change, the more they stay the same. We still need to eat, we still need to have a roof over our heads, we still need to know that there are people in the world who care for us. We still need, and so does the world. We have shut down so very much, and "normal" will be a very long time coming. There is much to grieve, and grief will come in waves as week by week more facts emerge, more public deaths are recorded, and more events are cancelled.

One of those public events would be the Maundy Thursday dinner service we have had at SUPC. I was so very happy to be a part of the dinner last year, and was looking forward to it this year, but with the need to stay home for the safety and preservation of us all, we will not hold the dinner. We will not wave palm branches together in person on Palm Sunday, and we will not sing "Alleluia!" on Easter from one place - but we will sing from many. 

I ask all of you to take a picture this Sunday, and every Sunday or whenever you are able to log in and view the streamed worship service. Take a selfie while worshiping (pets included!) and email it to pastor at schohariepresbyterian dot orgwith permission for me to use your picture in a celebratory slide show. You can also record an Easter Greeting and email it to the same email address as above. I will include your pictures and greetings as part of the worship service. How wonderful it will be to see everyone!

I love you all
Stay Safe and Healthy
Wash Your Hands
Peace be with you
~Rev. Andrea Joy Holroyd

P. S.: Download this coloring page for your Palm Sunday Palm Branch, color it, cut it out, and have it on had to wave during Sunday's Service.


Scanning for Viruses


Care for You Holistically...Think, Check, Correct - from Lori Warner