Transcript of the video: Loving Our Neighbors as ourselves Advent 2020

Dear Friends, Hello, and Merry Christmas

As you who read the newsletter yesterday will already know, the Elders of session have decided once again to suspend in-person worship and resume online only worship effective immediately. Your Elders and I did not come to this decision lightly, and not without grief and tears. There is anger and loss in suspending in-person gatherings this close to a holiday where we celebrate coming together. So please, pause this video and go rage for a moment, scream, cry, do whatever you need to release pent-up frustrations. Your church elders and I were certainly doing that over the last few days.  Then come back and hear the love resounding through the reasons your elected leaders made this choice: 

I broached the subject of worship gatherings with Susan as chair of Music and Worship after talking in depth with Pastors Sherri and Mike from the Reformed church. SRC had already made the choice to resume online-only worship, and we three pastors spoke at length about how their ruling board, the consistory, came to that choice. Susan and I spoke at length talking about the wonderful job the school staff has done to keep the children healthy, yet even so the High school had to make the switch to online classes only for the rest of the calendar year. 

We cried, we sighed, and each word was a prayer. The conversation ended with a recommendation to session to vote to suspend in-person worship.

What followed was an amazing exercise of God’s Love in Action, appropriate as the upcoming Sunday in Advent is themed “Love”.

As your Elders cast their votes, they each stated their reasons for the choice they made. They universally spoke of caring for the community, with many citing how the uptick in cases in the county should persuade us all to stay home to protect our church members. Here are a few specific quotes of encouragement:

Doug and Harriet say: “We have been enjoying the services online. The holiday season makes this sacrifice difficult but we can do it, knowing it is the best and safest.”

Pat and Cathy agreed they would miss seeing folk this holiday season, but the risk is too high; “we will see you all again as soon as we can.”

Denise reminded us all that now is the time to remain vigilant, and Susan agreed that We can do this!

As I joked with Linda, we learned a lot from the first time we went online-only. We can change our approach and make different new mistakes this time!


One of those differences will be the worship service itself. From March to July, I led worship alone from the library. This time, and this was the reason for applying for the technology grant to install cameras and a streaming computer in the sanctuary, a Worship team will be able to lead worship from the Sanctuary so you can at least see this space, your sacred space. 

I would ask you all to set aside a space in your home, which will be your sacred space at home. It can even be props such as: a Bible, a bowl of water, some bread and cup, candles, even incense or sage. When you prepare for worship, lay these items out within sight. You are not worshiping these things, but they can help you focus. Be mindful as you get ready for worship. Worship is an outpouring of the community, even when the community is scattered.  Being present to where you are in space is part of worship, even if you watch the service later, after it airs. 

Would you like to help lead worship? Perhaps read the scripture for the day? Or lead a prayer? Or … gasp… Sing a song or hymn? All you need to do is record yourself or ask me to set up a time for you to come into the sanctuary and be recorded. 

We have the ability to make these videos part of the worship service so YOU can all be worship leaders. 


One more item before I close this video, you can see in the camera frame the beautiful poinsettias that Arlene organized. They are always so cheerful in the sanctuary for Christmas, and they are part of the decorations, as always. Part of the tradition is for you to take the poinsettias you ordered home at the end of Christmastide. We want you to be able to enjoy your flowers, both as decorations in this sacred space, but also in your home. Please let the office, me, or Arlene know whether you would like to pick up your flower or if you need it delivered. 


Remember: you are loved, and your elders and I came to this decision out of love for you all. Please have a safe Christmas, making connections with your loved ones through phone, video chats, waving over long distances, cards. When we have finally come through this time, I know there will be so many hugs, tears, joy, and laughter. 


 In Advent we talk about present Hope, making Peace, ever present Joy, and all-encompassing Love.

Friends, this is what we do together by following the vote of the session. AMEN!




From the Pastor's Corner - Being Our Best Selves