Cultivate Thanksgiving

I was not going to write a blog this week. I've been virtually attending the Festival of Homiletics (an annual preaching convention that this year moved the lectures, sermons, and worship sessions online), and between paying attention to the festival videos, continuing to create the Psalm-A-Day video series for you all, planning ahead for SUPC virtual worship, and some extra zoom conferences this week, I thought I might not have time to write a blog this week.

God always has other plans. 

The topic of the sermon was "Don't Panic! God is in Control" (Psalm 46: 1-11) and the message was a soothing balm for my soul. The wonderfully dynamic Cynthia Hale merely reinforced the sovereignty of God, reminding me that God is our refuge and strength, God is a shelter from danger, a fortress, a safe place, and a stronghold. God is a PRESENT help, with us, no matter where we are, God is there. In many ways, her sermon was a direct answer to the psalm I wrote just a few hours before. 

Truthfully, God speaks to us in so many ways - through nature, through the voices of others, through science and medicine, through the comfort of loved ones and pets. When I returned from my morning walk today, and was still thinking that I would not write a blog, I posted on Facebook "What are you thankfully for today?" The responses that were posted were not what I expected, but I realized that God was speaking even in those posts. 

God is with us, God is in control, even if we might feel out of control. Trust in God; God is speaking to us through searching scientists, discerning doctors, nurturing nurses, and healing hearts and hands. 

I love you all
Stay Safe and Healthy
Wash Your Hands
Peace be with you
~Rev. Andrea Joy Holroyd


Creation Chaos


Love Your Neighbor as Yourself