A New Psalm - Coronavirus Acrostic

Creator of the world

 You who make the sun to shine

You who make the rain and snow

 You who make the wind to blow

O, Great Ruler of all things

 We pray to you this day

Reveal your purpose

 show us your love

deliver us from our folly and foolish ramblings

Our ways lead to hate and terror

 our ways are destruction and greed

Now is your time, O God

 Your time is all time

while ours is fleeting

Always we hurry and rush

 without trusting in you, O God

Visit us in our fear and haste

 assure our fevered selves that you lead us

comfort us, O God

 deliver us from misconceptions and greed

I trust in you, O God

 you who created all things

you who put all things in their place and told them to grow

you who watches over all

you who gifted your world with clues

 that we might know how to love one another

Remind us to trust in your love and light

 grant us wisdom to pursue your good world

Universal Spirit, you are our salvation and truth

make us wholly yours
help us see beyond our greed

Save us from our folly, O God

 Save us from ourselves

~Rev. Andrea Holroyd, May 8, 2020

You may use this in your meditation. If you share it with others, please give me credit. Thank you


Love Your Neighbor as Yourself


A New Psalm - of praise and seeing guidance